
Labels are key/value pairs in the metadata of Kubernetes objects that add identifying information to the object. They do not have direct semantic implications but can be used to organize and manage resources. The stackablectl tool, the cockpit and the Helm Charts add labels to the resources that are part of a Stacklet, and the operators add labels to the resources they create.

Resource labels added by the operators

Every resource created by a Stackable operator is labelled with a common set of labels. Some of these labels are recommended to use by the Kubernetes documentation. The following labels are added to resources:

  • - The name of the product, i.e. druid or zookeeper.

  • - The version of the product and Stackable version, i.e. 3.3.4-stackable23.11.0

  • - The name of the Stacklet.

  • - This is the role that this resource belongs to.

  • - The name of the role group that a resource belongs to.

  • - Which software manages this resource? This will be the operator, i.e. airflow-operator.

also this:

  • with value Stackable

Labels added by tools

The resources associated with an operator installation are also labeled (or can be).


Installing operators

When installing operators, stackablectl will always label the Deployment, ConfigMap, ClusterRole etc. with



Stacks and demos

When installing a stack or a demo, stackablectl adds additional labels to identify the parts of the stack or demo:

  • stackable-tech/stack with the value being the Stack name.

  • stackable-tech/demo with the value being the Demo name.

These labels are attached to some parts of the Stack or demo directly installed by Stackable. This includes the operators that are needed and additional required Kubernetes objects like Secrets or ConfigMaps.

The Stacklets themselves and external dependencies are not yet labeled with the Stack or Demo that they belong to.


The Helm Charts for the Stackable operators support specifying labels in the values.yaml file. All resources deployed by the Helm Chart (Deployment, ClusterRole, Configmap, etc.) will have the labels attached when the operator is deployed.

Further reading

Have a look at if you want to find out about the design decisions for our labels.